You have specified to drop table(s) in the database. The Drop Table statement may fail if you did not reverse engineer other dependent tables because the wizard will not generate DDL statements to drop the foreign keys.
You have placed a shape onto a legend. Would you like to convert it into a symbol and add it to the legend(s) on this page? ...
You have specified a table space for an index column or a long column but not a table space for the table to be created. ...
You have specified a table space which is not defined or does not exist in the extracted database. The SQL 'create table' ...
You have specified that the database has already been created in the server. You may now proceed to the next page and select ...
You have specified to drop table(s) in the database. The Drop Table statement may fail if you did not reverse engineer other ...
You may not select this type of document for this procedure. Please select one of the appropriate document types based on ...
You must fix all of the errors before the wizard can %1!.1023s! the database schema. Click Cancel to exit the wizard. After ...
You need to select one or more procedures to reverse engineer in order to process your options. If you do not want to reverse ...
You need to select one or more tables to reverse engineer in order to process your options. If you do not want to reverse ...