/faults [probability [pool_tags [applications [delay_minutes]]]] Enable the Randomized low resources simulation feature and optionally control parameters for the Randomized low resources simulation. Probability Specifies the probability that Driver Verifier will fail a given allocation. The value represents the number of chances in 10,000 that Driver Verifier will fail the allocation. The default value 600, means 600/10000 or 6%. Pool Tags: Specifies a space separated list of the pool tags to be injected with faults. By default, any pool allocation can be injected with faults. Applications Specifies a space separated list of image file names (an executable) that will be injected with faults. By default, any pool allocation can be injected with faults. DelayMinutes Specifies the number of minutes after booting during which Driver Verifier does not intentionally fail any allocations. This delay allows the drivers to load and the system to stabilize before the test begins. The default value is 8 minutes. /faultssystematic [...] Controls the Systematic low resources simulation parameters. enableboottime Enables fault injections across reboots. disableboottime Disables fault injections across reboots. This is the default value. recordboottime Enables fault injections in 'what if' mode across reboots. resetboottime Disables fault injections across reboots and clears the stack exclusion list. enableruntime Dynamically enables fault injections. disableruntime Dynamically disables fault injections. recordruntime Dynamically enables fault injections in 'what if' mode. resetruntime Dynamically disables fault injections and clears the previously faulted stack list. querystatistics Shows the current fault injection statistics. incrementcounter Increments the test pass counter used to identify when a fault was injected. getstackid Retrieves the indicated injected stack id. excludestack Excludes the stack from fault injection. /log [/interval ] Creates a log file with the specified name and periodically writes the runtime statistics to this file. The interval between log file updates is controlled by the '/interval' parameter. The default value is 30 seconds. Use CTRL+C to close the log and return. /volatile Changes Driver Verifier settings without rebooting the computer. Volatile settings take effect immediately and are in effect until the next system reboot. /volatile /adddriver [ ...] Starts the verification for the specified driver or drivers. /volatile /removedriver [ ...] Stops the verification for the specified driver or drivers. /domain {wdm | ndis | ks | audio} [rules.all | rules.default] /driver ... [/logging | /livedump | /onecheck] Controls the verifier extension settings. The following verifier extension types are supported: wdm Enabled verifier extension for WDM drivers. ndis Enabled verifier extension for networking drivers. ks Enabled verifier extension for kernel mode streaming drivers. audio Enabled verifier extension for audio drivers. The following extension options are supported: rules.default Enables default validation rules for the selected verifier extension. rules.all Enables all validation rules for the selected verifier extension. /logging Enables logging for violated rules detected by the selected verifier extensions. /livedump Enables live memory dump collection for violated rules detected by the selected verifier extensions. /onecheck Enables reporting of violated rules only for the first instances detected by the selected verifier extensions.
/Export-DefaultAppAssociations: Exports the default application associations from a running operating system to an .xml file. ...
/Export-Driver /Destination: Export all third-party driver packages from a Windows image to a destination path. Examples: ...
/Export-Image {/SourceImageFile: | /SWMFile: ]} {/SourceIndex: | /SourceName: } /DestinationImageFile: /DestinationName: ...
/f - If the computer must restart, forces a restart even if there are other users logged on to the computer after an operation ...
/faults probability pool_tags applications delay_minutes Enable the Randomized low resources simulation feature and optionally ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes - Creates a new shadow copy of ForVolumeSpec. ForVolumeSpec must be a local ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /Oldest /Quiet %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId /Quiet %1 %2 /All - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all matching ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association between the volume specified ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association ...