Real-time Service is an integrated service that provides real-time synchronous communication between the head office and the retail channels. The following Retail components require Real-time Service: Retail POS Retail Server Retail online channel Real-time Service is typically installed at the head office, on a domain computer, on the same domain as the corresponding AOS instance.
Publish only products that changed since the last time the catalog was published or include all the products in the catalog. ...
Publish only products that have changed since the last time the catalog was published. This includes new products, updated ...
Qualified field names are required to use an ORDER BY and GROUP BY clause in the same SELECT statement. When using qualified ...
Query has an extra table '%1' with cardinality that could cause a cross-product. Cardinality of extra tables must only be ...
Real-time Service is an integrated service that provides real-time synchronous communication between the head office and ...
records in table '%2' retrieved from the database, but never used. Consider using FIRSTONLY, or a more selective WHERE clause. ...
RecVersion is needed for update but was not retrieved during read. This may be caused by group by or aggregate fields in ...
RegisterOverrideMethod was called twice for the same object for method '%1'. You can only override a method once per instance. ...
Removal could not be completed. If any component cannot be removed because of an error, no components after it are removed. ...