Displays a message box containing a warning or informational message. A common use is a message that appears when a validation fails.
did not respond. Either the server does not exist, (!idspnAccessServices_Long) are not enabled on the server, or the server ...
didn't apply the filter.@|9 may not be able to apply the filter if you entered an invalid data type in one of the fields.Do ...
didn't build the filter.@There is an error in the current field. Do you want to close the filter anyway?@If you click Yes, ...
Disabling all connectivity will prevent external programs or reports from accessing the app and may cause other applications ...
Displays a message box containing a warning or informational message. A common use is a message that appears when a validation ...
Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button, and returns an Integer indicating which button ...
Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns a String containing the ...
Displays the database and login information for this connection so that you can use it in (!idspnAccess_NV) and other programs. ...
Do you want to delete all of the selected objects? Deleting these objects will remove them from all groups.@You cannot undelete ...