This policy controls the logon type of Action Accounts or Run As Accounts, used by worker processes (MonitoringHost.exe) launched by the System Center Management Service. In situations where the server being monitored has the "Interactive logon: Require smart card" security setting configured in its local security policy, the System Center Management Service running on that server will not be able to log on the worker processes using run as or action accounts (containing the credential of a domain account) because it does have access to the smart card. By switching to a logon type of Service, this problem can be avoided. However, some monitoring activities which access system resources requiring administrator or interactive logon privileges may not run successfully. The default logon type is Interactive.
This monitor cannot be created using the System Center Operations Manager console. Please refer to the documentation or contact ...
This node result is calculated based on the evaluation of criteria against aggregated data. This is not a rollup from the ...
This option means that each test in the template that fails will generate an alert. If multiple tests fail simultaneously, ...
This option means that each test in the template that fails will generate an alert. If multiple tests fail simultaneously, ...
This policy controls the logon type of Action Accounts or Run As Accounts, used by worker processes (MonitoringHost.exe) ...
This policy controls what mode the Microsoft .Net garbage collector runs in. The workstation garbage collector will consume ...
This policy controls what version of the Microsoft .Net Framework is used for hosting managed code in worker processes launched ...
This pool might be in use. Verify that no processes or workflows depend on this pool before you continue. Do you want to ...
This product has detected an earlier version of the {0}. Please import the latest version of the management pack to monitor ...