Your configuration has been updated to enable content delivery through SMTP. The SMTP server you specified has been saved and will be used for all future delivery needs.
You specified a report server that runs in SharePoint integrated mode. To access full functionality in SQL Server Management ...
You specified a table '{0}' without a database name. The database name can be omitted only when one (and only one) database ...
You will not be able to switch out or switch in data in this table since the table has non storage aligned indexes on it. ...
Your %1!s! installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (%2!s!). Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct ...
Your configuration has been updated to enable content delivery through SMTP. The SMTP server you specified has been saved ...
Your database project '%s' has a database reference '%s' that uses the OLEDB provider for %s. For a fuller feature set we ...
Your diagram will be updated with the following changes to match the database before the following tables can be loaded: ...
Your FOR XML AUTO query uses derived tables that are treated differently in SQL Server 2005 or later compatibility mode than ...
Your password will not be encrypted before it is saved. Users who view the source contents of the file that stores the connection ...