OCSETUP OCSETUP /uninstall /passive /unattendfile: /quiet /norestart /log: /x: /?, /h, /help - Display help information. ...

OCSETUP  OCSETUP  [/uninstall] [/passive] [/unattendfile:] [/quiet] [/norestart] [/log:] [/x:]  /?, /h, /help - Display help information.   - Name of component to be installed or uninstalled.  [/uninstall] - Uninstall the component.  Installation is default.  [/passive] - Unattended mode, progress only.  [/unattendfile:] - Non-default configuration parameters, implies /passive.  See component documentation for details.  [/quiet] - Quiet mode, no user interaction.  [/norestart] - Do not restart the machine, even if required to complete setup.  [/log:] - Non-default log file location.  [/x:] - Extra parameters to be supplied to the underlying installer.  See component documentation for details.