error C1041: %1!.1023s! (%2!.1023s!) has an invalid range of %3!.1023s! specified in its Value ange constraint. Use a value of '%4!.1023s!' instead.
Error adding the page named '%1' to the web at '%2'. The page was intended to be the target of a document conversion. The ...
Error applying patch to file 2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. ...
Error applying update to file 2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this update. ...
error C1016: '%1!.1023s!' : Nesting is only allowed for predicates with a uniqueness constraint that spans all roles or one ...
error C1041: %1!.1023s! (%2!.1023s!) has an invalid range of %3!.1023s! specified in its Value\Range constraint. Use a value ...
error C1045: %1!.1023s! (%2!.1023s!) has a fixed-point numeric data type but its Value\Range constraint contains floating ...
error C1046: '%1!.1023s!' : %2!.1023s! has a textual value of %3!.1023s! specified in its Value\Range constraint that is ...
error C1047: '%1!.1023s!' : %2!.1023s! has a textual range of %3!.1023s! specified in its Value\Range constraint that is ...
error C1048: %1!.1023s! (%2!.1023s!) has an unsigned numeric data type but its Value/Range constraint contains signed values. ...