You are about to block {0} mobile devices from communicating with this site. Warning: If any of the mobile devices that you have selected to block have a pending wipe request, they will not receive it after you block them. Click OK to block these mobile devices, otherwise click Cancel.
You are about to allow {0} devices to communicate with this site. Warning: Devices provisioned for out of band management ...
You are about to allow {0} mobile devices to communicate with this site. Click OK to unblock these mobile devices, otherwise ...
You are about to approve {0} computers to be managed by this Configuration Manager hierarchy. Approve computers only if you ...
You are about to block {0} devices from communicating with this site. Warning: Blocking a device provisioned for out of band ...
You are about to block {0} mobile devices from communicating with this site. Warning: If any of the mobile devices that you ...
You are about to cancel all scheduled updates for the selected Operating System Images. Are you sure you wish to continue? ...
You are about to delete the last revision for this retired application. If you click "Yes" this will permanently delete this ...
You are about to delete the selected collections. This action will also delete deployments for the following software that ...
You are about to enable SQL Server distributed views. You must consider the following for the central administration site: ...