The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to drill through to the parent mining structure of the '%{strObject/}' mining model.
The '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure cannot be processed since the operational storage mode of the '%{dimension/}' dimension ...
The '%{structureCol/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure cannot contain null values (the column is either modeled ...
The '%{structureCol/}' source structure column for the '%{modelCol/}' mining model column is not a table or contains no nested ...
The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to attach the database to the '%{strObject/}' server. Only server administrators ...
The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to drill through to the parent mining structure of the '%{strObject/}' mining ...
The '%{table/}' table either does not exist in the '%{cube/}' schema (or cube.), or the user does not have the necessary ...
The '%{table/}' table has a many-to-many relationship to its parent table and cannot contain columns with data type Binary. ...
The '%{table/}' table is based on a named query, and contains one or more computed columns. A table based on a named query ...
The '%{tableid/}' table that is required for a join cannot be reached based on the relationships in the data source view. ...