Account %2 does not have interactive logon privilege on this computer. You can give %2 interactive logon privilege on this computer using the user manager administrative tool.%1
Access was denied on domain: (%1), and user information from the domain was not imported. Check the user name and password ...
Access was denied while saving settings. You must be a member of the Cryptographic Operators security group to change these ...
Access-based enumeration filters shared folders visible to a user based on the individual user's access rights, preventing ...
According to RADIUS RFC 2865, the format of this attribute is Type (1 byte), Length (1 byte), Vendor ID (4 bytes), String. ...
Account %2 does not have interactive logon privilege on this computer. You can give %2 interactive logon privilege on this ...
Account changes will take effect the next time the 'IPSEC Services' service is started. Do you want to start the 'IPSEC Services' ...
Account lockout duration This security setting determines the number of minutes a locked-out account remains locked out before ...
Account lockout threshold This security setting determines the number of failed logon attempts that causes a user account ...
Account Name Changed: Old Account Name: %1 New Account Name: %2 Target Domain: %3 Target Account ID: %4 Caller User Name: ...