It appears that your access to this file on OneDrive for Business has been blocked. Please contact your site administrator.
is mapped to AssociationSet {1} - for this mapping to be correct, the upper multiplicity bound of end {2} needs to be 1. ...
is not a valid metadata type for type filtering operations. Type filtering is only valid on entity types and complex types. ...
is only allowed when source and sink are the same type and no column mapping is specified. Check the configuration to make ...
is too large to open directly from a web folder. Please download the file to your computer before opening it or go to ht ...
It appears that your access to this file on OneDrive for Business has been blocked. Please contact your site administrator. ...
It appears that your OneDrive - Personal password has changed or expired. To fix this issue, delete the dataset (which will ...
It is not valid to use the type constructor on type '{0}'. This type must have one of the following constructors: Entity, ...
It looks like exporting the "{0}" report to PowerPoint is taking longer than expected. We'll send you an email with the PowerPoint ...
It looks like you are trying to install an older version. If you want to do this, please uninstall the current version first. ...