Specify a valid drive and folder path by using the format::\ Or, specify a valid UNC path by using the format: \\ \ A path name should be less than 100 characters and can't contain any of the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
Specify a SQL Server database name for the site to use. The database name must be between 1 and 64 characters and must not ...
Specify a SQL Server instance name if one exists. Instance name can be a max of 16 characters and must not contain spaces. ...
Specify a unique profile name that contains alphanumeric characters only, begins with a letter, and does not exceed 32 characters. ...
Specify a valid drive and folder path by using the format: :\ A path name should be less than 100 characters and can't contain ...
Specify a valid drive and folder path by using the format: :\ Or, specify a valid UNC path by using the format: \ \ A path ...
Specify a valid FQDN for the server where the new secondary site will be installed. The name must only contain alphanumeric ...
Specify a valid name for the custom package share that uses no more than 127 characters and does not include any of the following: ...
Specify a valid name for the custom package share that uses no more than 127 characters and does not include any of the following: ...
Specify a valid UNC path and file with the extension .cab. The full path must be less than 260 characters, the folder path ...