110058;Cannot alter the login '{0}' with expired credentials without including the current password using the OLD_PASSWORD option.
Cannot ALTER a non-native module into a natively compiled module. Omit WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module. ...
Cannot alter NOT FOR REPLICATION attribute on column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' because this column is not an identity column. ...
Cannot alter property '%1!s!'. You must first call the stored procedure sp_articleview to initialize the article; the property ...
Cannot alter the identity column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' because this operation requires data modification and the table ...
Cannot alter the login '{0}' with expired credentials without including the current password using the OLD_PASSWORD option. ...
Cannot alter the view. An indexed view replicated as a table cannot be altered to a nonindexed view. Drop the view from the ...
Cannot alter trigger '%1!s!' on '%2!s!' because this trigger does not belong to this object. Specify the correct trigger ...
Cannot alter trigger '{0}' on '{1}' because this trigger does not belong to this object. Specify the correct trigger name ...
Cannot append output file because no column in the existing file matches column "%1!s!" from the input. Old file does not ...