To restore this computer, Windows needs to format the drive that the Windows Recovery Environment is currently running on. To continue with the restore, shut down this computer and boot it from a Windows installation disc or a system repair disc and then try the restore again.
To reset this PC and keep your files, the Users, Program Files, and Windows directories need to be on the same drive. You ...
To resolve these problems, press any key to put the computer into console mode, and then log on using an administrator account. ...
To restore it, just click the Language bar icon (near the clock) and select "Restore the Language bar" from the pop-up menu. ...
To restore the file to this location, stop the restore process and then click 'Restore all users' files' in the Windows 7 ...
To restore this computer, Windows needs to format the drive that the Windows Recovery Environment is currently running on. ...
To restore this system image: 1. Insert a system repair disc or a Windows installation disc (%1!s!). 2. Boot the computer ...
To restore this system image: 1. Insert a system repair disc or a Windows installation disc for Windows 8 (%1!s!). 2. Boot ...
To resume syncing, connect to a network that doesn't charge for the amount of data you transfer and isn't near its bandwidth ...
To roll back to the previous version of Windows Media Player that was on your computer, you must be logged on to this computer ...