Description of the product dimension. This description is only for information about the dimension. It is not shown when you select the product dimension on, for example, an order line.
Depreciation convention cannot be set if the depreciation year is fiscal and no asset calendar is set up, or if the depreciation ...
Depreciation method must be "Linear" with "Net book value" calculation base or "Nonlinear group" to specify depreciation ...
Description for calculated measure General ledger sales returns and discounts revised budget amount - accounting currency ...
Description of the compensation type. For example, long-term cash incentive, stock options, stock grants, or recognition ...
Description of the product dimension. This description is only for information about the dimension. It is not shown when ...
Designates the formula item that is included as a line in the formula which is the source of the bulk item for packing into ...
Determine whether the first profile line in the profile specifications is on the previous work day. This applies to working ...
Determine whether this customer is exempt from automatic notification and cancellation processing. When checked, it will ...
Determine whether, when automatic notification and cancellation event processing is run, if this item should always be exempt ...