The new location is on a hard drive with an unsupported file system format. The hard drive must be formatted with the NTFS or REFS file system.
The new discs are being loaded into the drive and scanned. This may take several minutes to complete. Select OK to do other ...
The new external adapter does not have consecutive public addresses. This is required for Teredo deployment. Teredo will ...
The new folder could not be created in this location. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. ...
The new license server ID provided is the same as the old license server ID. No change is required. Verify the license server ...
The new location is on a hard drive with an unsupported file system format. The hard drive must be formatted with the NTFS ...
The new location or the original location for the folder to be moved no longer exists. Select a different folder to move ...
The new name specified for the entry point (%1!s!) is the same as the original name. Specify a unique value. Names are not ...
The new owner has insufficient access to the local files for the job. The new owner might not have permissions to access ...
The new password does not comply with the password security policies of this domain. Please type a different one. For information ...