Error encountered while trying to configure the 'Database can be overwritten by restore' flag on database ({1}) in storage group ({2}). Error message is: {0}.
Error accessing the metabase. The root handle could not be opened because the path was not found. Please ensure that the ...
Error applying patch to file 2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. ...
Error code %1 resulted from attempting to backoff JET cache usage. The current cache size is %2 pages of %3 Byte page size ...
Error encountered while trying to configure 'Database can be overwritten by restore' flag on database ({1}) in storage group ...
Error encountered while trying to configure the 'Database can be overwritten by restore' flag on database ({1}) in storage ...
Error encountered while trying to dismounting the database ({1}) in the recovery storage group ({2}). Error message is: {0}. ...
Error in Outlook Web Access configuration. Property {0} contains a value of {1}. {0} should be at least {2} and no more than ...
Error initializing session for virtual machine %1. The error number is %2. Make sure Microsoft Exchange Store is running. ...
Error submitting the scheduled task. Please make sure you have sufficient rights to perform the task and that the Windows ...