This field displays an operation-based value if a user formula can be used to calculate process time. Typically, the field contains the number of capacity units of the resource that will be used for the production of a component of the finished item. The following is an example of how process time is calculated based on resource capacity. A machine with 1,000 rotations per hour is used to perform an operation where two pieces of the finished item are finished per rotation. The production of finished items per hour will then be 2,000 pieces. You specify 1,000 for the resource's capacity per hour, and set the formula factor for the operation in the route to 0.5 (P). The calculation is made as follows: Process quantity per hour = 1,000 (K) / 0.5 (P) = 2,000 pieces.
This feature analyzes your system and creates a project containing the application objects that must be upgraded manually. ...
This feature overwrites your current data in the company accounts with data from the same company accounts in the backup ...
This field controls the bill of materials (BOM) version that is active for the item when the production order is created. ...
This field determines whether picking list lines are generated when you post a route card, a job card, or a report as finished ...
This field displays an operation-based value if a user formula can be used to calculate process time. Typically, the field ...
This field displays the item number or the item group, or it is blank, depending on the value selected in the Item code field. ...
This field identifies the BOM version record that will be used for the default per series quantity on BOM lines with the ...
This field indicates if a Pending invoice has been saved for the selected Voucher if in the Invoice Approval Journal or the ...
This field indicates the sub-state for each level while in a master planning run (coverage, partitioning orders, scheduling ...