The number isn't formatted properly. Verify that the number starts with "+", contains the country code, and has no fewer than 3 and no more than 15 digits. Make any necessary corrections, and then try again. Valid examples include: +14255550123 and +610255501234.
The number can start with "tel:" or "tel:+" followed by a maximum of 18 digits. The extension number must start from ";ext=" ...
The number can start with *, # or a digit. If the string starts with or #, the following number must be larger than 100. ...
The number for the start of the vacant number range "{0}" should be less than or equal to the number for the end of the range ...
The number isn't formatted properly. Verify that the number has no fewer than 3 and no more than 15 digits if you don't also ...
The number isn't formatted properly. Verify that the number starts with "+", contains the country code, and has no fewer ...
The number must contain 3 to 15 digits. Check the number and try again. Valid examples include: (425) 555-0123, 425-555-0123, ...
The number of anonymous user client messages dropped at the external edge because access for anonymous users is disabled. ...
The number of blocked IM messages in critical archiving mode due to local Storage Service health and connectivity issues. ...
The number of conferences processed per sec. This is the sum of all conferences. The value should be proportional to the ...