Access 2016
- The database you are trying to open cannot be opened by the Microsoft Access database engine Data Access Object Library. ...
- The database |1 was created in an earlier version of |9.@Convert this database to the current version of |9 by using the ...
- The DDE conversation was interrupted.@* You may have passed an incorrect channel number to a DDE function or statement.* ...
- The DDE exchange failed.@Your version of |9 needs to be reinstalled. You may not have the correct version of the dynamic-link ...
- The default data type you selected is not supported in all versions of Microsoft SQL Server.@If the server doesn't support ...
- The default printer driver isn't set up correctly.@For information on setting a default printer, search the Microsoft Windows ...
- The Default Value property was set to an expression that will not be specified on the SharePoint column. Specifically, it ...
- The difference between two date values is too large to be stored. If you know where the DATEDIFF function is being used, ...
- The Docking property can't be set to '|1' at this time.@If you want to set the Docking property to '|2', move the toolbar ...
- The document could not be edited. The required application may not be installed properly, or the requested document cannot ...
- The document(s) you are importing contain XML Schema (XSD) information created outside |9.@XML Schema information created ...
- The dynamic-link library Commdlg failed: error code '0x|'.@The printer driver for the selected printer may be incorrectly ...
- The error message that appears when you enter a value prohibited by the validation rule. Press F1 for help on validation ...
- The event procedure '|' can't be a Function procedure; it must be a Sub procedure.@If you want to run a Function procedure ...
- The existing data violates the '|1' property for field '|2.'@If you continue testing, |9 will inform you if data violates ...
- The Exit or Update operation failed.@You pressed the ESC key (or another key used in the OLE server to stop an operation) ...
- The expression you are trying to use for the DefaultValue property is invalid because '|'. Use a valid expression to set ...
- The expression you entered contains invalid syntax, or you need to enclose your text data in quotes.@You may have entered ...
- The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You may have entered a comma without a preceding value or identifier.@1@1 ...
- The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You may have entered an operator, such as the + operator, in an expression ...
- The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character ...
- The expression you entered has an invalid . (dot) or ! operator or invalid parentheses.@You may have entered an invalid identifier ...
- The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Dynaset property.@For example, you may have used the Dynaset property ...
- The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Parent property.@For example, you may be using the Parent property ...
- The expression you entered has an invalid string.@A string can be up to 2048 characters long, including opening and closing ...
- The expression you entered has invalid parentheses.@You may have used the parenthesis syntax for an identifier in a query. ...
- The expression you entered in the Specification Name argument exceeds the 64-character limit.@Select one of the existing ...
- The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist.@For example, you may have assigned a form ...
- The expression you entered requires the control to be in the active window.@Try one of the following:* Open or select a form ...
- The expression |2 you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: |1.@* The expression may not result ...
- The expression |2 you entered in the form control's ValidationRule property contains the error |1.@|9 can't parse the ValidationRule ...
- The field '{0}' could not be read because it is the primary key of the record being created. This field's value will be available ...
- The field '|' cannot be modified because it contains invalid characters, invalid punctuation, or an existing field name. ...
- The field '|1' could not be changed because the record is not currently updatable. Use EditRecord to make the record updatable. ...
- The field '|1' could not be read because it is the primary key of the record being created. This field's value will be available ...
- The field could not be added on the server. Synchronize with the server and remove any references to hidden, lookup, AutoNumber, ...
- The field could not be deleted on the server. Synchronize with the server and verify that no other field references this ...
- The field description is optional. It helps you describe the field and is also displayed in the status bar when you select ...
- The field name is missing in row |.@You haven't selected a matching field for this relationship in each row of the grid.@Select ...
- The field name you entered does not follow |9 object-naming rules. If you pasted the name from another application, try pressing ...
- The field name you entered exceeds the 64-character limit of the LinkMasterFields property.@When you use the Relationships ...
- The fields you selected contain different types of data. You must select fields that have the same type of data, such as ...
- The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing file?If you want to compact or convert to a different file ...
- The file '|1' could not be created.Verify that you have the correct permissions and that the file is not locked or read-only, ...
- The file '|1' is incompatible. |9 needs to be reinstalled.@Run Setup to reinstall |9. If you want to preserve your security ...
- The file cannot be attached because it exceeds the maximum file size that has been set for this site. For information about ...
- The file does not exist.@You do not have adequate permission to modify the data access page link to point to a valid file. ...
- The file name argument in the GetObject function of the Visual Basic procedure you ran is invalid.@* You may not have entered, ...
- The file name contains one or more invalid characters. Make sure the name of the file does not include the following characters: ...
- The file name extension of '|' is not valid for the format to which you are trying to export. This action is potentially ...
- The file name you specified in the Picture property for a command button or toggle button can't be read.@* The file you specified ...
- The file type you are trying to add or view has been blocked from this site. For a list of blocked file types, see your system ...
- The file you selected does not exist or is misspelled. Please check the spelling or click Browse to find the partial replica ...
- The filename specified is a long filename, but you have the 'use long filenames' web option turned off.@Please specify a ...
- The filter expression you specified for '|' isn't valid. Check the syntax of the expression to make sure that it's correct. ...
- The FindRecord action requires a Find What argument.@You tried to run a macro set to one of the current field's properties, ...
- The first row contains some data that can't be used for valid Access field names. In these cases, the wizard will automatically ...
- The folder that this Web page would use to organize supporting files is already reserved for use in the current location.@Please ...
- The following controls contain expressions that can't be represented in a |9 project PivotTable or PivotChart view: |1.@Do ...
- The following examples use the same set of fields from the Customers, Orders and Sales Reps tables in an order entry database. ...
- The following lists contain display values for the lookup columns in the lists/views that you selected earlier. If you do ...
- The following rows in the message were not exported to (!idspnAccess_NV). One or more new rows and the following existing ...
- The form name '|' is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.@If the invalid form name is in a macro, an Action ...
- The form or report '|1' has too many controls.@Reduce the number of controls on the form or report before using it in this ...
- The form or report has run out of memory. New macros cannot be added to the object. Please convert the embedded macros on ...
- The form or report includes more OLE objects than |9 can display at one time.@Delete some of the bound or unbound object ...
- The form or report template is open in Design view. Before creating a new form or report, close the corresponding template.@1@1 ...
- The format condition number you specified is greater than the number of format conditions.@Use the Count property to count ...
- The format condition Type you specified is invalid.@Valid values for the Type property are 0 to 2 for the first condition, ...
- The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.@Either you are attempting to output ...
- The format specification for '|1' is invalid.@You can't save output data to a file in this format until you correct the setting ...
- The formula contains a circular reference (the calculated column refers to itself). You must remove or change the circular ...
- The formula refers to a column that does not exist. Check the formula for spelling mistakes or make sure all referenced columns ...
- The formula refers to a column that is not included in the current view.You must refresh the list before you can view the ...
- The function DateFromParts cannot create a value of type Date, Time, or DateWithTime because some of the arguments have invalid ...