Type {0} helpfor command line description. Commands: release Triggers a release using the provided build information. {0} release -tfs teamFoundationServerUrl -tp teamProjectName -bd buildDefinitionName -bn buildNumber Where: -tfs URL to the Team Foundation Server. The URL should include the collection if other than default. -tp Name of the Team Project for which the build was triggered. -bd Name of the Build Definition used for the build. -bn Build Number representing the specific build instance that generated the application components to release. -ts [Optional] Name of the Target Stage where the release should stop. Examples: {0} release -tfs http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -tp "My Project" -bd "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual" -bn "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual_20101119.8" {0} release -tfs http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection -tp "My Project" -bd "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual" -bn "QA_Dev_MyApp_Manual_20101119.8" -ts "DEV
Type to specify a new name for the aggregation result. Otherwise, the aggregate function name will be used. Note: Use tab ...
Type to specify a new name for the group key. Otherwise, the original key name will be used. Note: Use tab for automatic ...
Type {0} has more than one constructor. Current dependency resolver implementation doesn't support this. Object cannot be ...
Type {0} help for command line description. Commands: release Triggers a release using the provided build information. {0} ...
Type {0} help for command line description. Commands: release Triggers a release using the provided build information. {0} ...
Type {0} is both ComVisible(true) and set to Auto layout. Make this type ComVisible(false) or specify Explicit or Sequential ...
Type {0} uses ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual) which might not version properly. Instead, define and ...
Type {0} uses member {1}. Because this member was introduced in {2}, which was not included in the project's target framework, ...
Type {0} uses type {1}. Because this type was introduced in {2}, which was not included in the project's target framework, ...