When calling stored procedure [sys].sp_cdc_help_change_data capture, if either @source_schema or @source_name is non-null and non-empty, the other parameter must also be non-null and non-empty.
When adding or modifying the CDC cleanup job, @pollinginterval, @maxtrans, @maxscans, and @continuous may not be assigned ...
When applied to a table column, the Analyze Key Influencers tool detects the influence of the other columns on the values ...
When article property 'published_in_tran_pub' is set to 'true' then article property 'upload_options' has to be set to disable ...
When both row and columns groups based on a recursive hierarchy exist, the Level function requires a scope. Specify a scope ...
When calling stored procedure sys].sp_cdc_help_change_data capture, if either @source_schema or @source_name is non-null ...
When executing sp_adddistributor for a remote Distributor, you must use a password. The password specified for the @password ...
When false, security-sensitive information, such as the password, is not returned as part of the connection if the connection ...
When IDENTITY columns are transferred to the Subscriber, the IDENTITY property will not be transferred. (For example, a column ...
When linking to a parameterized report, you can override the defaults by specifying the parameter names and values here. ...