This message could not be delivered because it failed XML validation. This failure occurred while the message was being delivered to the target service.
This maintenance plan has been modified using a tool other than the maintenance plan designer. You must use SQL Server Integration ...
This message could not be delivered because an internal error was encountered while processing it. Error code %1!s!, state ...
This message could not be delivered because another instance of this service program has already started conversing with ...
This message could not be delivered because it contains an invalid acknowledged message number. Highest expected message ...
This message could not be delivered because it failed XML validation. This failure occurred while the message was being delivered ...
This message could not be delivered because it is out of sequence with respect to the conversation. Conversation receive ...
This message could not be delivered because the '%1!s!' contract could not be found or the service does not accept conversations ...
This message could not be delivered because the conversation ID could not be associated with an active conversation. The ...
This message could not be delivered because the initiator service has sent a message with a message type that can only be ...