The attempt to set the time zone with the following parameters failed. Bias: %1 minute(s), Standard name: "%2", StandardDate.wYear: %3, StandardDate.wMonth: %4, StandardDate.wDayOfWeek: %5, StandardDate.wDay: %6, StandardDate.wHour: %7, StandardDate.wMinute: %8, StandardDate.wSecond: %9, StandardDate.wMilliseconds: %10, Standard bias: %11 minute(s), Daylight saving name: "%12", DaylightDate.wYear: %13, DaylightDate.wMonth: %14, DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek: %15, DaylightDate.wDay: %16, DaylightDate.wHour: %17, DaylightDate.wMinute: %18, DaylightDate.wSecond: %19, DaylightDate.wMilliseconds: %20, Daylight saving bias: %21 minute(s). SetTimeZoneInformation() returned error. Error code is %22. Error message is: "%23".
The attempt to send the fax failed. There was no answer. The service will attempt to resend the fax. Sender: %1. Billing ...
The attempt to send the fax failed. There was no answer. This fax will not be sent, because the maximum number of retries ...
The attempt to send the fax failed. This fax will not be sent, because the maximum number of retries has been exhausted.%r%r ...
The attempt to set the system time failed with the following parameters: wYear: %1, wMonth: %2, wDayOfWeek: %3, wDay: %4, ...
The attempt to set the time zone with the following parameters failed. Bias: %1 minute(s), Standard name: "%2", StandardDate.wYear: ...
The attempt to unlock the account failed because of the following error: %1 If you want to unlock their account and you have ...
The attempted operation cannot be completed. The number of disks for the selected volume has exceeded the maximum allowable ...
The attempted operation cannot be completed. This operation is not valid on volumes containing system partition, boot partition ...
The attempted operation could not be completed. Some other operations are in progress on the selected object. Retry after ...