The form definition (.xsf) file specifies that submit functionality will be defined in code, but the code does not define a submit event handler.
The form definition (.xsf) file is missing the following attribute in the error section (xsf:errorCondition or xsf:errorMessage ...
The form definition (.xsf) file references other files in the form with absolute paths. Only relative paths are supported. ...
The form definition (.xsf) file refers to the following script file, but no such script file can be found in the form: %1 ...
The form definition (.xsf) file specifies that save functionality will be defined in code, but the code does not define an ...
The form definition (.xsf) file specifies that submit functionality will be defined in code, but the code does not define ...
The form definition (.xsf) file specifies that submit functionality will be defined in code, but the code does not define ...
The form has requested data that is currently not available offline. The data will be available when your computer is connected ...
The form ID should be entered in the following format: Urn: : To see an example, or to generate a valid form ID, press the ...
The form is accessed through a redirection from different domain, which is not allowed. If you want to open this form, copy ...