A conference directory with the ID "{0}" and the pool distinguished name (DN) "{1}" was found for unmatched host pool DN.
A certificate was configured for the internal edge of the Access Edge Server. Subject=[%1]. Algorithm=[%2]. The certificate ...
A cluster or pool fully qualified domain name (FQDN) cannot be same as the server FQDN of one of the servers for a multi-computer ...
A Communication Server pool is unreachable and has been marked as down. Multiple attempts to route to pool %1 have failed ...
A component requires authorization but the Proxy does not have any authentication packages enabled. Cause: This can happen ...
A conference directory with the ID "{0}" and the pool distinguished name (DN) "{1}" was found for unmatched host pool DN. ...
A conference maintenance stored procedure task timed-out. It will be retried, but if this error continues to occur, the Lync ...
A configured certificate could not be loaded from store. The serial number is attached for reference. Extended Error Code: ...
A configured transport has failed to start. Transport %1 has failed to start on local IP address %2 at port %3. Cause: Configuration ...
A configured transport was stopped. Transport:%1 on all IP addresses, Port:%2. Existing connections will continue to be active ...