SMS Status Manager was instructed by a Status Filter Rule to execute program "%1" with command-line arguments "%2" upon receipt ...

%11SMS Status Manager was instructed by a Status Filter Rule to execute program "%1" with command-line arguments "%2" upon receipt of a status message that satisfied the criteria specified by the Status Filter Rule. (Note that for display purposes, the program and command-line arguments were truncated to %3 characters in this message.) Status Manager failed to execute the program.%12

Possible cause: The Status Filter Rule specifies a program that is invalid or does not exist.
Solution: Correct the value of the Program box on the Actions tab of the Status Filter Rule Properties page in the SMS Administrator console. (Note that you are not limited to %3 characters in the Program box.) Be sure to explicitly specify the path to the program.  For example, specify "c:\winnt\system32 et.exe" instead of just "net.exe".%0.
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