The CLR type referenced by column "%1!s!" of table variable "%2!s!" has been dropped during the execution of the batch. Run the batch again.
The client was unable to join a session with SPID %1!s!. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing ...
The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID %1!s!, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is ...
The client's metadata is out of sync with the engine's metadata. The reference returned by the engine is unknown in the client: ...
The CLR procedure/function/type being signed refers to an assembly that is not signed either by a strong name or an assembly. ...
The CLR type referenced by column "%1!s!" of table variable "%2!s!" has been dropped during the execution of the batch. Run ...
The CLSID registry key indicating that the Oracle OLEDB Provider for Oracle, OraOLEDB.Oracle, has been registered is not ...
The cluster disk '{0}' cannot be selected because it is mounted on the following cluster resources: {1}. Choose the root ...
The cluster disk '{0}' could not be brought online. The disk must be online in order for the SQL Server failover cluster ...
The cluster disk '{0}' is not owned by the local node so it cannot be used as a cluster disk. To use this disk, move it to ...