Sorry, we couldn't connect to Microsoft services right now. If this problem persists, search for "network problems" on the Start screen.
Sorry, but your confirmation gestures didn't quite match the ones you drew. You can try again to see the gestures you first ...
Sorry, it looks like this PC can't run %1!s!. This might be because the Users or Program Files folder is being redirected ...
Sorry, there's a problem with the server, and we're working to fix it as soon as we can. Please try signing in again in a ...
Sorry, there's a problem with the server, so we can't sign you in right now. We're working to fix it as soon as we can. Please ...
Sorry, we couldn't connect to Microsoft services right now. If this problem persists, search for "network problems" on the ...
Sorry, we couldn't get a reliable scan of your finger. Make sure the sensor is clean and dry. If the problem persists, try ...
Sorry, we're having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows Server Technical Preview 2. Please close Setup and try ...
Sorry, Windows couldn't turn off %1. Please go to Programs and Features to uninstall it. Windows Defender will be turned ...
Sorry. we're having issues connecting to the search service, so your search results may not be as fresh as usual. you can ...