{4}: This code may occur if the 'legacyExchangeDN' attribute on the recipient object is blank or contains an invalid value. The Recipient Update Service may be having a problem or a third-party address generating tool may be failing to populate the attribute. Troubleshooting: Verify that the 'legacyExchangeDN' attribute of the recipient having this issue contains the correct value.
This code indicates a general categorizer-based failure (bad address failure). A mail address or other attribute cannot be ...
This code indicates a looping condition. This issue may occur if one of the recipient policies includes a local domain that ...
This code indicates that a temporary routing error occurred or that a bad routing configuration exists. This issue may occur ...
This code may be caused by a resource problem such as a disk full condition. This code may also occur if your Simple Mail ...
This code may occur if the 'legacyExchangeDN' attribute on the recipient object is blank or contains an invalid value. The ...
This code occurs when conversion of an inbound SMTP failed because the code page that is specified in the message is not ...
This command will clear the PrimarySMTPAddress property. Because EmailAddressPolicyEnabled is set to true, this action is ...
This command will scan all transaction log files and verify that they are all in sequence, that they all match each other, ...
This computer is configured as a bridgehead server for {9} routing group connector(s) in the organization. These must be ...