Make sure the updated reserved virtual IP address range contains all currently allocated virtual IP addresses, or release all allocated virtual IP addresses that are not contained in the updated range.
Make sure that the specified account can be converted to a GUID if it is a Run As account. If it refers to a service setting, ...
Make sure that the value of VMNetworkServiceSetting contains matching service setting delimiters '@' and refers to exactly ...
Make sure the assignment scope to be assigned to the baseline is not already assigned to the baseline and retry the operation. ...
Make sure the number of physical network adapters on the machine is greater than or equal to the number of adapters that ...
Make sure the updated reserved virtual IP address range contains all currently allocated virtual IP addresses, or release ...
Make sure the virtual IP (VIP) address range does not contain a default gateway or a reserved IP address and then try again. ...
Manually register the share to the host through the VMM Admin Console or use the Register-SCStorageFileShare cmdlet, or refresh ...
Manually update the NTFS permissions for the share from the file share properties or by running the above command from an ...
Members in this group have permissions to administer virtualization resources on this machine using Virtual Machine Manager ...