Replication for database %1 is not flushed yet. Constraint: %2, number of copies: %3 (%4 healthy passives, %5 active in site '%6'), minimum replay time: %7, maximum replay time: %8, commit time: %9. Failure reason: %10
ReplayedLogs and AcllFinalReplayQueue is the number of log-files replayed by the copy as it mounted. Large values here would ...
ReplayLagPercentage is the amount of lag a database copy with replay lag configured is actually currently realizing. It is ...
Replication for database %1 has been marked for resume, but may not actually have been resumed. Please use the Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus ...
Replication for database %1 has been marked for suspend, but may not actually be suspended. Please use the Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus ...
Replication for database %1 is not flushed yet. Constraint: %2, number of copies: %3 (%4 healthy passives, %5 active in site ...
Replication for database '{0}' is not suspended. You must suspend replication before seeding. Use the Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy ...
Replication for database '{0}' on server {1} is still suspended. Use the Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy cmdlet to resume replication. ...
Replication for passive copy '{0}' appears to be stalled or the connection to the active on '{1}' is broken. The LastLogInfoFromCopierTime ...
Replication instance for database %1 found an invalid checkpoint %2. The database %3 requires generation %4. The checkpoint ...