You are about to run a pass-through query that may modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of an SQL query? For information on how to prevent this message from displaying every time you run an SQL query, click Help.@@21@1@9058@2
You are about to reverse engineer from '%1!.1023s!'. The current default driver is '%2!.1023s!'. Make '%3!.1023s!' the new ...
You are about to run a data-definition query that may modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of ...
You are about to run a delete query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action ...
You are about to run a make-table query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action ...
You are about to run a pass-through query that may modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of an ...
You are about to run an append query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action ...
You are about to run an update query that will modify data in your table.@Are you sure you want to run this type of action ...
You are about to save your document to one of the new file formats. This action will allow you to use all the new features ...
You are about to set a policy exemption for the selected item. This exemption will suspend any Retention Policy that the ...