Usage: /extract:path, extracts the content of the package to the path folder /log[:path to log file], enables verbose logging for the update installation /lang:lcid, sets the user interface to the specified locale when multiple locales are available within the package /quiet, runs the package in silent mode /passive, runs the update without any interaction from the user /norestart, prevents prompting of user when reboot of machine is needed /forcerestart, forced restart of machine once update is complete /?, shows this help message
Usage analysis will not run; the format specified in the server config file is invalid. Make sure there are separators between ...
Usage data collection will log events whenever various events occur in your SharePoint deployment. Usage Logging enables ...
Usage logs are reaching to the configured storage limit (%1). Please increase the maximum storage settings. Otherwise, older ...
Usage logs must be saved in a location that exists on all servers in the farm. Adjust the maximum size to ensure that sufficient ...
Usage: /extract:path, extracts the content of the package to the path folder /log[:path to log file], enables verbose logging ...
Usage:^/Server - Name of server to hit^/Database - Name of database^/Connect - ADO Connect string (overrides all other params)^/Publication ...
Use 8 bit content-transfer-encoding": Use a content-transfer-encoding of 8bit for all parts in a Web Archive file. | "Use ...
Use 8 bit content-transfer-encoding": Use a content-transfer-encoding of 8bit for all parts in a Web Archive file. | "Use ...
Use a color to represent the smallest values in a range. For example, you could represent the bottom 10% of values as blue. ...