Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL) encountered a secure-channel failure when sending the request. Make sure that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled in Internet Explorer.
I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of the End User License Agreement(s) and so signify by clicking "I accept ...
I will configure everything myself. I can launch this wizard again from the Configuration Wizards page in the Central Administration ...
ID10509.ReturnValue% on %ID10511.ReturnValue% has ended because the item that the task process is running on was changed. ...
ID10833.ReturnValue% on %ID10834.ReturnValue% has ended because the item that the task process is running on was changed. ...
Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL) encountered a secure-channel failure when sending the request. Make sure that Secure ...
Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL) encountered an error while generating the certificate request. The problem could ...
If a component is listed, but cannot be selected, it is either because the backup does not contain the component or there ...
If a profile page already exists, re-creating it will overwrite the previous one, unless the profile host site has changed. ...
If a profile page already exists, to re-create it will overwrite the previous one, unless the profile host site has changed. ...