Enabling this causes users to see a "Get more applications" tile in the Azure AD access panel, where they can see and add any application from the Azure AD app gallery that supports password-based single sign-on. Users may use these apps for their own use, or assign access to other users.
Enables validation of your users' passwords with your on-premises domain controller. This requires additional on-premises ...
Enables you to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) for clients that are domain joined and logged-in to the domain. This requires ...
Enabling password rollover will automatically update the password for this account at the frequency you define below. Once ...
Enabling reverse replication will enable protection for the virtual machines that failed over. Are you sure you want to enable ...
Enabling this causes users to see a "Get more applications" tile in the Azure AD access panel, where they can see and add ...
Enabling this directory for multi-factor authentication will allow you to require users in "{0}" to sign in using stronger ...
Endpoint at which your app can obtain an access token using OAuth2.0. After your app is authenticated, Microsoft Azure AD ...
Endpoint monitoring lets you monitor the availability of HTTP or HTTPS endpoints from geo-distributed locations. You can ...
Endpoint to which your apps should send sign-on requests when using the SAML-P protocol. Authentication responses will be ...