Show column headings and row numbers. Column headings are the letters or numbers that appear above the columns on a sheet.
Show a line to represent slack.Slack, also known as float, shows how much a task can slip before it affects another task ...
Show a page-centric view of a single element, such as a Web page, and the links to and from that element.Page-centric view ...
Show all the changes to your document in a list.Click the arrow to choose whether they show below or next to your document. ...
Show Auditing ToolbarDisplays the Auditing toolbar. Finds cells that have a relationship to a formula, displays formulas ...
Show column headings and row numbers. Column headings are the letters or numbers that appear above the columns on a sheet. ...
Show DetailIn a PivotTable, displays the detail data of a hidden row field or column field.On an outlined sheet, displays ...
Show FormattingShows or hides character formatting (such as bold and italic) in outline view. In slide sorter view, switches ...
Show gridlines in the background of your document for perfect object placement.The gridlines make it easy for you to align ...
Show late tasks in black.Late tasks are calculated by comparing how much of that task should be done by the status date.You ...