To set the value of an option for a reservation IP address in the scope. Syntax: set reservedoptionvalue[user=UserName] [vendor=VendorName] [ForceFlag] Parameters: ReservedIP - Reserved IPv6 address for which the option value is to be set. OptCode - The code for the option type whose value is to be set. DataType - The data type for the option type whose value is to be set. UserName - To specify either the current default user class or the class specified as UserName. If this parameter is used, the user= tag must be provided. VendorName - To specify either the current default vendor class or the class specified as VendorName. If this parameter is used, the vendor= tag must be provided. ForceFlag - DhcpNoForce/DhcpFullForce can be specified. This is specifically for OptCode 006 DNS validation. If DhcpFullForce is specified then DNS addresses are added in the server even if DNS validation.fails. If DhcpNoForce is specified then DNS addresses are added only when DNS validation succeeds. Default value is DhcpNoForce. OptValue - The assigned value for the option type specified in OptCode. If the option type supports an array containing more than a single numeric or IP address value, provide the additional values in order at the end of the command. Notes: Vendor and user classes are supported only for Windows Server 2008 and above. To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class used with this command, use either the Set userclass or Set vendorclass commands. Example: set reservedoptionvalue :001:a:a:a 0022 IPv6ADDRESS 78ee:2::32 This command sets the value of the SIP Servers IPv6 Address List (code 0022) for the reserved client interface ID :001:a:a:a in the current scope to 78ee:2::32.
To set the T1 of an issue lease made by the DHCP server. Syntax: set t1 Parameters: Lifetime - The renew time in seconds. ...
To set the T2 of an issue lease made by the DHCP server. Syntax: set t2 Parameters: Lifetime - The rebind time in seconds. ...
To set the Time-to_live (TTL) value for use with the current multicast scope. Syntax: set ttl Parameters: TTL - The Time-to-Live ...
To set the valid lifetime of an issue lease made by the DHCP server. Syntax: set validlifetime Parameters: Lifetime - The ...
To set the value of an option for a reservation IP address in the scope. Syntax: set reservedoptionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName ...
To set the value of an option for a reservation IP address in the scope. Syntax: set reservedoptionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName ...
To set the value of an option for the scope. Syntax: set optionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName ForceFlag Parameters: ...
To set the value of an option for the scope. Syntax: set optionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName ForceFlag Parameters: ...
To set the value of the beginning (start) version ID number for the database. Syntax: set startversion Version=]{high,low} ...