Description: Displays expected deployment results for a known or unknown device. Syntax: WDSUTIL [Options] /Get-ExpectedDeploymentResults /Device /Architecture:{x86 | x86uefi | ia64 | x64 | x64uefi | arm} [/Name:] [/ID: ] [/Model: ] [/Manufacturer: ] [/BiosVendor: ] [/BiosVersion: ] [/UUID: ] [/ChassisType: ...] [/Server: ] [/BootImage] /Image: /Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64 | arm} [/Filename: ] [/InstallImage] /Image: [/ImageGroup: ] [/Filename: ] [/Login] /User: /Password: /Device /Architecture:{x86 | x86uefi | ia64 | x64 | x64uefi | arm} The architecture of the device. [/Name: ] The name of the device to display the expected deployment results for. /ID: Specifies the Device ID of the device. For valid formats please refer to the help of /get-device. [/Model: ] Specifies the model name of the device. [/Manufacturer: ] Specifies the manufacturer of the device. [/BiosVendor: ] Specifies the BIOS vendor of the device. [/BiosVersion: ] Specifies the BIOS version of the device. [/UUID: ] Specifies the UUID of the device. [/ChassisType: ] [/ChassisType: ] ... Specifies the chassis type of the device. You can specify the /ChassisType parameter multiple times. [/Server: ] The name of the WDS server expecting to answer the device. This server will process the expected deployment results for the specified device. [/BootImage] Using this option user can supply the boot image information.
Description: Display the various properties of a user in the directory. There are two variations of this command. The first ...
Description: Displays all pending devices on the WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-PendingDevices /Server: /DeviceType:{PendingDevices ...
DESCRIPTION: Displays all the roots hosted on the server. Server command can also be used to modify the registry keys on ...
Description: Displays custom metadata associated with deployment payload (images or driver groups) or devices on a WDS server. ...
Description: Displays expected deployment results for a known or unknown device. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-ExpectedDeploymentResults ...
Description: Displays information about a custom namespace. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-Namespace /Namespace: /Server: /Details:Clients ...
Description: Displays information about a driver package, including the drivers and files it contains. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options ...
Description: Displays information about a multicast transmission. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-MulticastTransmission /Image: ...
Description: Displays information about all image groups on a server, and all images in those image groups. Syntax: WDSUTIL ...