Select the bank group that is associated with the selected bank account. Bank groups are maintained in the Bank groups page.
Select the appropriate option for the credit limit: None (a credit limit check is not required), Balance (the customer balance ...
Select the attribute the table field is related to. This field is displayed when a system-defined table constraint is selected. ...
Select the bank account of the recipient. You can change the bank account only if the payment status is not Sent or Approved. ...
Select the bank account of the vendor for the invoice. For an invoice that is not associated with a purchase order, the default ...
Select the bank group that is associated with the selected bank account. Bank groups are maintained in the Bank groups page. ...
Select the basis main account. You can enter wildcard characters to select all main accounts, or a specified range or list ...
Select the basis on which taxes for the sales tax group are calculated. If you select Sales tax jurisdictions, the Jurisdiction ...
Select the batch group to use when you process waves by using batch jobs. The batch group specifies the server that batch ...
Select the billing classification to assign to the recurring invoices that are generated for this customer using the selected ...