TOPICS IN THIS HELP FILE To display help for a topic, run "bcdedit /? " where is one of the following: bootdebug /bootdebug ...


To display help for a topic, run "bcdedit /? " where  is one of
the following:

bootdebug           /bootdebug command.
bootems             /bootems command.
bootsequence        /bootsequence command.
copy                /copy command.
create              /create command.
createstore         /createstore command.
dbgsettings         /dbgsettings command.
debug               /debug command.
default             /default command.
delete              /delete command.
deletevalue         /deletevalue command.
displayorder        /displayorder command.
ems                 /ems command.
emssettings         /emssettings command.
enum                /enum command.
export              /export command.
FORMATS             Formats for types.
hypervisorsettings  /hypervisorsettings command.
ID                  Identifiers for entries..
import              /import command.
mirror              /mirror command.
set                 /set command.
store               /store command-line option.
timeout             /timeout command.
toolsdisplayorder   /toolsdisplayorder command.
TYPES               Types that apply to any entry.
TYPES BOOTAPP       Types that apply to boot applications. These include the
                    boot manager, memory diagnostic application, Windows OS
                    loader, and the resume application.
TYPES BOOTMGR       Types that apply to the boot manager.
TYPES BOOTSECTOR    Types that apply to the boot sector application.
TYPES FWBOOTMGR     Types that apply to the firmware boot manager
TYPES MEMDIAG       Types that apply to the memory diagnostic application
TYPES NTLDR         Types that apply to the NTLDR based OS loader
TYPES OSLOADER      Types that apply to the Windows OS loader
TYPES RESUME        Types that apply to the resume application
v                   /v command-line option