The message produced by the receive pipeline: "%1" for receive location: "%2" has an invalid value(%3) for a message context property. Property Name:"%4" Property Namespace:"%5". Please refer to the documentation for the list of valid values for this property and update your pipeline component.
The message currently opened in the message viewer is marked for tracking. Message gets tracked by the BizTalk Server when ...
The message found multiple request response subscriptions. A message can only be routed to a single request response subscription. ...
The message from the file "%1" cannot be authenticated. The file has been deleted without processing because the receive ...
The message posted to a dynamic port had an incorrect URL format:"%1". The format should be in the following form: "protocol://address". ...
The message produced by the receive pipeline: "%1" for receive location: "%2" has an invalid value(%3) for a message context ...
The message size cannot be bigger than 4 GB (approximately 4,294,967,295 in bytes). Please specify a smaller message and ...
The message was not decrypted because the decoder could not find the decryption certificate in the "Current User\Personal" ...
The message was not found in the Message Box or the Tracking databases. This may be caused by one of the following conditions: ...
The message was routed to a subscription based upon a non-unique correlation set. Please either clean up the data before ...