Cluster service has detected that its service account is missing one or more from the required set of privileges. The missing privilege list is: '%1' and is not currently granted to the service account. Please use the 'sc.exe qprivs clussvc' to verify the privileges of the Cluster Service (ClusSvc). Additionally check for any security policies or group policies in the Active Directory that may have altered the default privileges. Type the following command to grant the Cluster Service the necessary privileges to function correctly: sc.exe privs clussvc SeBackupPrivilege/SeRestorePrivilege/SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege/SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege/SeTcbPrivilege/SeDebugPrivilege/SeSecurityPrivilege/SeAuditPrivilege/SeImpersonatePrivilege/SeChangeNotifyPrivilege/SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege/SeManageVolumePrivilege/SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
Cluster service failed to set the permissions (ACL) on the Cluster Shared Volumes root directory '%1'. The error was '%2'. ...
Cluster service failed to set the permissions on the cluster computer object '%1'. Please contact your network administrator ...
Cluster service failed to start the cluster log trace session. The error code was '%2'. The cluster will function properly, ...
Cluster service failed to update the cluster configuration data on the witness resource. Please ensure that the witness resource ...
Cluster service has detected that its service account is missing one or more from the required set of privileges. The missing ...
Cluster Shared Volume '%1' ('%2') backup was turned on. Once the backup application completes the backup process, the Cluster ...
Cluster Shared Volume '%1' ('%2') is no longer accessible from this cluster node because of error '%3'. Please troubleshoot ...
Cluster Shared Volume '%1' ('%2') is no longer available on this node because of '%3'. All I/O will temporarily be queued ...
Cluster Shared Volume '%1' ('%2') is no longer directly accessible from this cluster node. I/O access will be redirected ...