Synchronous = the sender waits for control to return, and a return arrow is shown on the sequence diagram. Asynchronous = the sender continues after sending the message.
Switching to the visual designer will discard your manual changes to the query. Do you want to use the visual designer anyway? ...
Switch|The switch to replace on the command line when PropertyName is encountered. Use value to specify where the property's ...
Synchronization services require either a "Last Edit" or "Creation Date" column on each table to be synchronized. Only one ...
Synchronize the scrolling of two documents so that they scroll together. To enable this feature, turn on View Side by Side. ...
Synchronous = the sender waits for control to return, and a return arrow is shown on the sequence diagram. Asynchronous = ...
SyncLock statement Ensures that multiple threads do not execute the statement block at the same time. SyncLock .End Synclock ...
Syntax - TfsBuild definition /new /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl /name:name /teamProject:project /buildProcess:file ...
Syntax - TfsLabConfig ClearServiceAccount /collection: Examples: TfsLabConfig ClearServiceAccount /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection ...
Syntax - TfsLabConfig CreateTeamProjectHostGroup /collection: /teamProject:(* | ) /teamProjectCollectionHostGroup:(* | /name: ...