BisSubscribe.exe Usage: BisSubscribe /eventType /address (/server | /collection ) /deliveryType EmailHtml|EmailPlaintext|Soap ...



BisSubscribe /eventType  /address    (/server  | /collection )  [/deliveryType EmailHtml|EmailPlaintext|Soap] [/filter ]
BisSubscribe /unsubscribe /id  (/server  | /collection )


eventType:    The name of the event.
filter:       (default none) A filter expression. 
address:      The email address or web method URL for the subscriber. 
server:       The Team Foundation Server application instance name or url.
collection:   The Team Foundation Server collection name or url.
deliveryType: (default Soap) EmailHtml|EmailPlaintext|Soap indicating the preferred format.
id:           The integer id for the subscription to be deleted when unsubscribing.

Specifying the server or the collection:

One of the two following parameters is required. The parameter is used to specify the level.

   /collection collectionNameOrURI - Required if /server is not used. Specifies the URI or friendly name of the team project collection. The subscription will be created or deleted at the collection-level. The format for the URI is http://ServerName:port/VirtualDirectoryName/CollectionName

   /server serverNameOrURI - Required if /collection is not used. Specifies the URI or friendly name of an application-tier server. The subscription will be created or deleted at the instance-level. The format for the URI is http://ServerName:port/VirtualDirectoryName