Cannot load certificate. The identifier '{0}' matches multiple certificates. To encrypt to multiple recipients, provide multiple specific values to the '{1}' parameter, rather than a wildcard that matches multiple certificates.
Cannot invoke the %1!s! cmdlet. The %2!s! cmdlet is in progress and must return before %3!s! can be invoked. Use -Force option ...
Cannot launch the help; The HTML Help version is outdated. Please upgrade HTML Help or upgrade to IE 5.0 and try help again. ...
Cannot load a collection configuration because it is corrupt. (ID %2) Delete the group configuration file (.XML file) and ...
Cannot load a virtual machine configuration because it is corrupt. (Virtual machine ID %2) Delete the virtual machine configuration ...
Cannot load certificate. The identifier '{0}' matches multiple certificates. To encrypt to multiple recipients, provide multiple ...
Cannot load device '%3' in '%1' because there are no mutually supported protocol versions. Server version %4 Client version ...
Cannot load encryption certificate. The certificate setting '{0}' does not represent a valid base-64 encoded certificate, ...
Cannot load the module '{0}' because the module nesting limit has been exceeded. Modules can only be nested to {1} levels. ...
Cannot load the RAS third party administration DLL component. The following error occurred: %1 is not a valid win32 application. ...