One or more sections are from an earlier version of (!idspnOneNote) and will be upgraded when moved to this location. After upgrading they will no longer be readable by earlier versions of (!idspnOneNote). Click OK to upgrade and move the sections. If you want to keep the original sections, click Cancel and copy the sections to the new location instead of moving them.
One or more rows were deleted from the table in Excel but the corresponding rows in the SharePoint list cannot be deleted. ...
One or more rules cannot be uploaded to Microsoft Exchange and have been deactivated. This could be because some of the parameters ...
One or more rules cannot be uploaded to Microsoft Exchange Server, because there is insufficient space to store your rules. ...
One or more schemas you have selected cannot be used in this document. A schema may not be available, may not be valid, or ...
One or more sections are from an earlier version of (!idspnOneNote) and will be upgraded when moved to this location. After ...
One or more sections being moved are not yet fully synchronized. Make sure you are online and fully synchronized before moving ...
One or more setup files are referenced in the database |0], but are not installed on the current farm. Please install any ...
One or more shapes assigned to %1!d! extensions and %2!d! protocols are missing. In the Generate Site Map dialog box, click ...
One or more shared attachment is already part of a document workspace. Sending this mail message will disconnect the shared ...