Sets subscription configuration by changing subscription parameters from the command line or by using an XML configuration ...

Sets subscription configuration by changing subscription parameters from the command
line or by using an XML configuration file.


wecutil { ss | set-subscription } SUBSCRIPTION_ID [/OPTION:VALUE [/OPTION:VALUE] ...]

wecutil { ss | set-subscription } /c:CONFIG_FILE [/cus:USERNAME [/cup:PASSWORD] ...]

String that uniquely identifies a subscription, specified by the  tag of
the XML configuration file used to create the subscription


You can use either the short (i.e. /q) or long (i.e. /Query) version of the
option names. Options and their values are case-insensitive.

COMMON OPTIONS (for all type of subscriptions):

/c:CONFIG_FILE    (Config)
String that specifies the path to the XML file that contains subscription configuration.
The path can be absolute or relative to the current directory. This option may only be
used with the optional /cus (CommonUserName) and /cup (CommonUserPassword) options and
is mutually exclusive with all other options.

/e[:VALUE] (enabled)
Enable or disable a subscription. VALUE can be true or false. The default value of this
option is true.

/d:DESCRIPTION    (Description)
String that describes the subscription.

/ex:DATE_TIME    (Expires)
String that specifies the subscription expiration time. DATE_TIME value is specified in
standard XML or ISO8601 date-time format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss][Z], where T is the
time separator and Z indicates UTC time.

String that specifies the type of the events consumed by the subscription. The address
of the event source machine along with the URI uniquely identifies the source of the

/cm:CONFIGURATION_MODE  (ConfigurationMode)
String that specifies the configuration mode. CONFIGURATION_MODE can be one of the
following strings: Normal, Custom, MinLatency or MinBandwidth. The Normal, MinLatency,
and MinBandwidth modes set delivery mode, delivery max items, heartbeat interval, and
delivery max latency time. The /dm (DeliveryMode), /dmi (DeliveryMaxItems),
/hi (HeartbeatInterval) or /dmlt (DeliveryMaxLatencyTime) option may only be specified
if the configuration mode is set to Custom.

/q:QUERY    (Query)
String that specifies that query string for the subscription. The format of this string
may be different for different URI values and applies to all sources in the subscription.

/dia:DIALECT  (Dialect)
String that specifies the dialect the query string uses.

/cf:FORMAT   (ContentFormat)
String that specifies the format of the returned events. FORMAT can be Events or
RenderedText. When the value is RenderedText, the events are returned with the localized
strings (such as event description) attached to the event. The default value of FORMAT
is RenderedText.

/l:LOCALE    (Locale)
String that specifies the locale for delivery of the localized strings in RenderedText
format. LOCALE is a language/country culture identifier, for example, "en-US". This
option is valid only if /cf (ContentFormat) option is set to "RenderedText".

/ree[:VALUE]   (ReadExistingEvents)
Specifies which events are to be delivered for the subscription. VALUE can true or false.
When the VALUE is true, all existing events are read from the subscription event sources.
When the VALUE is false, only future (arriving) events are delivered. The default value
is true for an /ree option without a value. If no /ree option is specified, the default
value is false.

/lf:FILENAME   (LogFile)
String that specifies the local event log used to store events received from the event

/pn:PUBLISHER  (PublisherName)
String that specifies the publisher name. It must be a publisher which owns or imports
log specified by /lf (LogFile) option.

/dm:MODE (DeliveryMode)
String that specifies the delivery mode. MODE can be either pull or push for collector
initiated subscriptions and only push for source initiated subscriptions. This option is
valid only if /cm (ConfigurationMode) option is set to Custom.

/dmi:NUMBER  (DeliveryMaxItems)
A number that specifies the maximum number of items for batched delivery. This option is
valid only if /cm (ConfigurationMode) is set to Custom.

/dmlt:MS (DeliveryMaxLatencyTime)
A number that specified the maximum latency in delivering a batch of events. MS is the
number of milliseconds. This option is valid only if /cm (ConfigurationMode) is set to

/hi:MS   (HeartbeatInterval)
A number that specifies the heartbeat interval for push subscriptionsm, or the polling
interval for pull subscriptions. MS is the number of milliseconds. This option is valid 
only if /cm (ConfigurationMode) is set to Custom.

/tn:TRANSPORTNAME   (TransportName)
String that specifies the name of the transport used to connect to remote event source.
It can be http or https.