You must select a data connection for submitting data to the hosting environment. To create and select a data connection, click Add.
You have received an InfoPath form with restricted permission. To view the form, open the attachment, or click Open Form ...
You have selected to sign the entire form, this action will change the signatures mode to "multiple signatures". Do you want ...
You must enable Submit before creating a Submit button. To fix this problem, change the button action or click Submit Options ...
You must select a data connection for submitting data to a SharePoint document library. To create a new data connection, ...
You must select a data connection for submitting data to the hosting environment. To create and select a data connection, ...
You should replace the form template on your computer if the template you are opening is an updated version from a trusted ...
Your browser does not support the InfoPath Rich Text Edit control. To permanently remove all rich text formatting and edit ...
Your pop-up blocker settings prevent this form from functioning correctly. Some of your form data may be lost. To fix this ...
Your users can install the form template by running the script file when both the script file and the form template are copied ...